Project Goal: The goal of the Autonomous-Driving Turtlebot3 project is to achieve autonomous driving for a ground differential robot by using perception-based techniques. The primary task is to detect and follow lanes to complete a mission. In this project, the robot needs to navigate through a circuit, which includes passing through a low-light tunnel.
Required Libraries and Packages to Start:
- ros-noetic-image-transport
- ros-noetic-cv-bridge
- ros-noetic-vision-opencv
- opencv
- libopencv-dev
- ros-noetic-image-proc
- Autorace package
Steps to Get Started:
1. Installing the Required Packages
- Follow the instructions provided on the emanual robotics website.
- Install the AutoRace 2020 meta package on the Remote PC.
- Install additional dependent packages on the Remote PC.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone -b noetic-devel
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
sudo apt install ros-noetic-image-transport ros-noetic-cv-bridge ros-noetic-vision-opencv python3-opencv libopencv-dev ros-noetic-image-proc
2. Connecting to Turtlebot3
- Connect to the Turtlebot over SSH with the password ’napelturbot'.
- It’s crucial to bring up the Turtlebot before running any nodes related to camera and robot control.
ssh ubuntu@
roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
3. Camera Calibration
- Camera calibration involves the following steps:
- Launch roscore on the Remote PC.
- Trigger the camera on SBC.
- Perform intrinsic camera calibration.
- Perform extrinsic camera calibration.
4. ROS Package Structure:
- The ROS package includes several launch files, such as extrinsic_calibration.launch, intrinsic_calibration.launch, controller.launch, and lane_detection.launch.
- These files are responsible for subscribing to camera topics, performing lane detection, and controlling the robot’s movements.
5. Lane Detection:
- Lane detection is achieved using binary thresholding of the projected image and creating a histogram.
- The robot decides to turn right, left, or move straight based on the values in the histogram.
- The project’s lane detection algorithm is inspired by “The Ultimate Guide to Real-Time Lane Detection Using OpenCV.”
6. Controller:
- The project uses a Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller.
- The controller class subscribes to lane detection topics to get the center point.
- It calculates the error and computes the rotational velocity to minimize the error.
- Linear velocity is fixed, and only the rotational velocity changes.
To Run the Code:
- Run ROS master on the PC:
. - Connect to the Turtlebot:
ssh ubuntu@
. - Bring up the Turtlebot:
roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch
. - Start capturing from the camera:
roslaunch turtlebot3_autorace_camera raspberry_pi_camera_publish.launch
. - On the PC, run the following files in separate terminals:
roslaunch group_4 extrinsic_calibration.launch
roslaunch group_4 intrinsic_calibration.launch
roslaunch group_4 lane_detection.launch
roslaunch group_4 controller.launch
- Use
in another terminal to view the results on various topics.